How Playing Poker Can Improve Your Business and Investing Skills


Poker is a card game where players place bets in a shared pot. Action starts to the left of the dealer and players can fold, call, raise, or check (pass). During each round, additional cards are added to the board until a player has a winning hand.

While many people believe poker is a game of chance, experienced players can attest that it is a complex blend of strategy and skill. It teaches players to evaluate probabilities, assess risks, and make decisions under pressure. This can help improve decision-making skills in other areas of life, including business and investing.

The best poker players are able to read their opponents well. They know when a player checks behind on the flop, for example, it’s often a sign that they have a weak hand and will fold to multiple bets. This information can help them determine which hands to play. Likewise, knowing when an opponent’s calling range is too wide can help them make better bet sizes.

Top players also fast-play their strong hands, which helps them build the pot and potentially chase off other players who may be waiting for a draw that beats theirs. This can lead to more wins than slow-playing. Furthermore, playing poker on a regular basis can help you develop patience and discipline. Developing these traits can be useful in other aspects of your life, such as running a company or achieving your career goals.